The certification process

Certifying a release is a process. There are a number of steps to make to reach the point in which we can finally say that a release is at production level. Within LHCbDirac, we are trying to streamline and automatize this process as much as possible. Even with that, some tests still require manual intervention. We can split the process in a series of incremental tests.

Within the following sections we describe, step by step, all the actions needed.

The whole certification process varies from release to release. The list of things to do is maintained in trello boards.

Unit test

When a new release candidate is created from the devel branch, we first run pylint on the whole codebase, and all the unit tests. Jenkins automizes this for us.

Integration and Regression tests

Run by Jenkins.

System tests

Even if it should not be considered strictly as a test, running all the agents and service within certification is an action to take. Agents and services spits errors and exceptions. While the second are obviously bugs, the first are not to be considered bugs until an expert look. Nonetheless, we have created a tool to easily identify all new exceptions and errors:

mkdir /tmp/logTest
cd /tmp/logTest
wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=7 $codeLocation

For testing that the RMS works, there is an ad-hoc test:


Those commands will create and put to the Request Management System two new requests:

  1. for lhcb_user group, which should be banned from using the FTS system
  2. for lhcb_prod or lhcb_prmgr group, which this should be executed using FTS

You could monitor their execution using Request monitor web page or by using CLI comamnd:

dirac-rms-show-request test<userName>-<userGroup>

The execution itself will take a while, but at the end both requests statuses should be set to ‘Done’.

Another test, again for the RMS, combined with FTS, is to simply use the following standard DIRAC scripts:

dirac-dms-create-replication-request CNAF_MC-DST /lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000751/0000/00000751_00000014_1.allstreams.dst

Which will actually schedule the replication of such file using FTS. This will print an ID that can be used for the script

dirac-rms-show-request ID

That should show how the request goes (quickly) in status “Scheduled”, and then “Done”.

The following script, instead, will remove the copy just created.

dirac-dms-create-removal-request CNAF_MC-DST /lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000751/0000/00000751_00000014_1.allstreams.dst

Again, monitoring is available as above.

For testing the replications and removals, use the following:

dirac-dms-add-replication --BKQuery=/validation/MC11a/Beam3500GeV-2011-MagDown-Nu2-EmNoCuts/Sim05/Trig0x40760037Flagged/Reco12a/Stripping17Flagged/12463412/ALLSTREAMS.DST --Plugin=ReplicateDataset --Test

That will just print out how many files can be replicated. If there is at least one file (for this particular query there should be 35), then you can start it with:

dirac-dms-add-replication --BKQuery=/validation/MC11a/Beam3500GeV-2011-MagDown-Nu2-EmNoCuts/Sim05/Trig0x40760037Flagged/Reco12a/Stripping17Flagged/12463412/ALLSTREAMS.DST --Plugin=ReplicateDataset --NumberOfReplicas=2 --SecondarySEs Tier1-DST --Start

You can monitor the advancement using:

dirac-dms-replica-stats --BKQuery=/validation/MC11a/Beam3500GeV-2011-MagDown-Nu2-EmNoCuts/Sim05/Trig0x40760037Flagged/Reco12a/Stripping17Flagged/12463412/ALLSTREAMS.DST

Which should tell you the replica statistics, something like:

[fstagni@lxplus0032 ~]$ dirac-dms-replica-stats --BKQuery=/validation/MC11a/Beam3500GeV-2011-MagDown-Nu2-EmNoCuts/Sim05/Trig0x40760037Flagged/Reco12a/Stripping17Flagged/12463412/ALLSTREAMS.DST
Executing BK query: {'Visible': 'Yes', 'ConfigName': 'validation', 'ConditionDescription': 'Beam3500GeV-2011-MagDown-Nu2-EmNoCuts', 'EventType': '12463412', 'FileType': 'ALLSTREAMS.DST', 'ConfigVersion': 'MC11a', 'ProcessingPass': '/Sim05/Trig0x40760037Flagged/Reco12a/Stripping17Flagged', 'SimulationConditions': 'Beam3500GeV-2011-MagDown-Nu2-EmNoCuts'}

34 files (0.0 TB) in directories:
/lhcb/validation/MC11a/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000654/0000 34 files
34 files found with replicas

Replica statistics:
0 archives: 0 files
1 archives: 25 files
2 archives: 9 files
0 replicas: 0 files
1 replicas: 0 files
2 replicas: 0 files
3 replicas: 33 files
4 replicas: 0 files
5 replicas: 1 files

SE statistics:
    CERN-ARCHIVE: 15 files
    CNAF-ARCHIVE: 5 files
  GRIDKA-ARCHIVE: 11 files
   IN2P3-ARCHIVE: 1 files
     RAL-ARCHIVE: 8 files
    SARA-ARCHIVE: 3 files
   CERN_MC_M-DST: 34 files
     CNAF_MC-DST: 4 files
   CNAF_MC_M-DST: 8 files
   GRIDKA_MC-DST: 1 files
 GRIDKA_MC_M-DST: 3 files
    IN2P3_MC-DST: 9 files
  IN2P3_MC_M-DST: 6 files
      PIC_MC-DST: 5 files
    PIC_MC_M-DST: 4 files
      RAL_MC-DST: 20 files
    RAL_MC_M-DST: 6 files
     SARA_MC-DST: 3 files
   SARA_MC_M-DST: 1 files

Sites statistics: 34 files 12 files 4 files 15 files 9 files 26 files 4 files

Later, when you see that at least 2 replicas exist, you can issue

dirac-dms-add-replication --BKQuery=/validation/MC11a/Beam3500GeV-2011-MagDown-Nu2-EmNoCuts/Sim05/Trig0x40760037Flagged/Reco12a/Stripping17Flagged/12463412/ALLSTREAMS.DST --Plugin=DeleteReplicas --NumberOfReplicas=1 --Start

Acceptance test steps

Installation of LHCbDirac

Login to a machine where LHCbDirac is already installed. Set the LHCbDirac environment, get a proxy with admin rights and launch the sysadmin CLI

lb-run LHCbDirac/prod bash
lhcb-proxy-init -g diracAdmin

Update the LHCbDirac version and restart all the services

set host
update LHCb-vArBpC
restart *

Change the version of the pilot in the CS. Go to the web portal, login with your certificate and the role diracAdmin. Click on Systems, Configuration and Manage Remote configuration.


The version is in the section /Operations/lhcb/LHCb-Certification/Versions/PilotVersion. Clicks on the PilotVersion and on change option value. Once you have changed the version number, click on submit. and do not forget to commit the change.


So you click on the left column on Commit Configuration


Now you should restart the task queue director

cd /opt/dirac/runit
runsvctrl d WorkloadManagement/TaskQueueDirector
runsvctrl u WorkloadManagement/TaskQueueDirector

Production test activity

Open your browser and connect to the certification instance of the LHCbDirac web portal ( select the setup LHCb-Certification and load your certificate in the portal. Check that that your role is lhcb_user. Go to the tab Production and click on the Requests choice


Click on the production which is defined label “template for certification” (nb = 28) and in the menu which appears select Duplicate


You are ask if you want to Clear the processing pass in the copy. Select No. This will keep all the steps which are pre-defined.


The new request is created and you get a number that will appear in the web page.


Click on the new request that you just created the step below and select the edit option


Then modify all the fields which needs a new value. Once you have finished, submit your request to the production team.


You have just to approve it.


Now you should change your role to become lhcb_tech and lhcb_ppg to validate the request. You click on the new request and in the menu you choose the option sign

../_images/req8.png ../_images/req10.png

You can sign or reject the request.


Once the request has been accepted by lhcb_ppg and lhcb_tech, the status become accepted. Choose now the role lhcb_pmgr and click on the request. Then choose the option edit


You give the correct Event Type and number of Events. Then you click on Generate At this stage you are asked to choose which template should be used. In our case we will choose “” and click on the next button.


You get now the list of value that you could change before submitting the production. For the certification purpose you should change the value for “MC configuratioon name” to be certification, the “configuration version” should be test. Verify which plugin you want to use, the number of event that you want to process, the cputimelimit,… Once you have finished, click on the generate button.


After the generation of the production you will get in a new window the production ID and the number of jobs generated. If you want you can see and save the script which will generate this production by clicking on the script preview button.


This is the window of the python script which could be used to generate again the production. To exit thi swindow click on cancel


If you click on the request and you choose production monitor you will be re-direct to the production monitor.


Production monitor with the fresh generated productions.


dirac-bookkeeping-production-informations 830 -o /DIRAC/Setup=LHCb-Certification

lxplus448] x86_64-slc5-gcc46-opt /afs/> dirac-bookkeeping-production-informations 830 -o /DIRAC/Setup=LHCb-Certification
Production Info:
Configuration Name: LHCb
Configuration Version: Collision11
Event type: 91000000
StepName: merging MDF
ApplicationName    : mergeMDF
ApplicationVersion : None
OptionFiles        : None
DDDB                : None
CONDDB             : None
ExtraPackages      :None
Number of Steps   1
Total number of files: 2
Number of events
File Type           Number of events    Event Type          EventInputStat
RAW                 30988               91000000            30988
Path:  /LHCb/Collision11/Beam3500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown/Real Data/Merging
/LHCb/Collision11/Beam3500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown/Real Data/Merging/91000000/RAW

You can then check the produced files:

nsls -l /castor/
dirac-dms-lfn-replicas /lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000225/0000/00000225_00000001_1.allstreams.dst
dirac-dms-add-replication --Production 259:268 --FileType RADIATIVE.DST --Plugin LHCbMCDSTBroadcastRandom --Request 30
dirac-dms-add-replication --Production 239 --FileType ALLSTREAMS.DST --Plugin LHCbMCDSTBroadcastRandom --Request 29
Transformation 273 created
Name: Replication-ALLSTREAMS.DST-239-Request29 , Description: LHCbMCDSTBroadcastRandom of ALLSTREAMS.DST for productions 239
BK Query: {'FileType': ['ALLSTREAMS.DST'], 'ProductionID': ['239'], 'Visibility': 'Yes'}
3 files found for that query
Plugin: LHCbMCDSTBroadcastRandom
RequestID: 29
[lxplus433] x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt /afs/> dirac-bookkeeping-production-informations 239Production Info::
    Configuration Name: certification
    Configuration Version: test
    Event type: 12143001

 StepName: MCMerging10
    ApplicationName    : LHCb
    ApplicationVersion : v31r7
    OptionFiles        : $STDOPTS/PoolCopy.opts
    DDB                : head-20101206
    CONDDB             : sim-20101210-vc-md100
    ExtraPackages      :None

Number of Steps   4
Total number of files: 8
Number of events
File Type           Number of events    Event Type          EventInputStat
ALLSTREAMS.DST      540                 12143001            540
Path:  /certification/test/Beam3500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown-Nu3/MC10Sim01-Trig0x002e002aFlagged/Reco08/Stripping12Flagged
 dirac-bookkeeping-production-files 239 ALLSTREAMS.DST
FileName                                                                                             Size       GUID                                     Replica
/lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000044_1.allstreams.dst             14515993   165DD5A9-1D40-E011-AD80-003048F1E1E0     Yes
/lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000045_1.allstreams.dst             2971054    988731FC-1C40-E011-AFCD-90E6BA442F3B     Yes
/lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000074_1.allstreams.dst             202748580  E2BAF0A1-A340-E011-BF97-003048F1B834     Yes
/lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000076_1.allstreams.dst             2804277    F086C525-EB43-E011-96F9-001EC9D8B181     Yes

[lxplus433] x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt /afs/> dirac-dms-lfn-replicas /lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000044_1.allstreams.dst
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000044_1.allstreams.dst': {'CERN_MC_M-DST': 'srm://'}}}
[lxplus433] x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt /afs/> dirac-dms-lfn-replicas /lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000045_1.allstreams.dst
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000045_1.allstreams.dst': {'CNAF_MC_M-DST': 'srm://'}}}
[lxplus433] x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt /afs/> dirac-dms-lfn-replicas /lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000074_1.allstreams.dst
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000074_1.allstreams.dst': {'CERN_MC_M-DST': 'srm://'}}}
[lxplus433] x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt /afs/> dirac-dms-lfn-replicas /lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000076_1.allstreams.dst
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/lhcb/certification/test/ALLSTREAMS.DST/00000239/0000/00000239_00000076_1.allstreams.dst': {'CNAF_MC_M-DST': 'srm://'}}}

How to enable/disable FTS channel ? To check TFS transfer, look at the log for DataManagement/FTSSubmitAgent

Specific tests

Every release is somewhat special, and introduce new features that should be tested. It has to be noted that developers should always participate in the testing of very specific new developments, anyway the certification manager should look into if these tests have been done.

Within Jira, there is a special board, named ready for integration. that contain tasks marked as “Resolved”, but not yet “Done”. Dragging tasks from left to right will mark them as “Done”.

So, the certification manager can decide to investigate directly, by submitting tests, if know, or ask the developer to confirm the task can be closed.